We are extremely proud to announce that, for the fourth consecutive year, our company has obtained and maintained the prestigious ECOVADIS silver medal.

This important recognition is the result of our constant and unconditional commitment to the sustainability of our business processes. Our effort is not limited to improving business performance, but also extends to promoting fundamental values ​​such as ethics, labor rights and environmental protection.

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that this year we have recorded a significant progress in our overall score, going from 67 points to 70 points. This improvement of three points compared to last year is a testament to our continuous commitment to excellence and sustainability. We have undertaken a series of initiatives aimed at strengthening our ethical standards, ensuring respect for the labor rights of our employees and minimizing the environmental impact of our operations.

The recognition received from ECOVADIS confirms that we are going in the right direction and further motivates us to continue on this path. We will continue to invest resources and energy to constantly improve, ensuring that every aspect of our business meets the highest standards in terms of ethics, labor rights and environmental protection. In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, we believe it is essential to be a leader in our sector to promote a more equitable and sustainable future for all.
